Merrins Mice at work and at play.

Matt and Sdao met up with other IPiBers at the Cell Biology Conference.

Matt and Sdao having fun with all the other scientists at cell.

No really they are having fun with the other scientists...

new whiteboard markers means we must document everyone in mouse form.

Nothing spices up a Monday morning lab meeting like a little photoshop.

Ellie and Lew Lew represent the Merrins Lab at a badger football game.

lets just say the Merrins lab took the ornament competition seriously this year at the IPiB Holiday Party.

Matt was a little confused by what was going on here.

Hannah brought the pups and we hiked devils lake.

Sophie and Hannah at the retreat.

Group selfie with our extremely long armed rotation student Josie.

Kara on the rocks.

Puppy love on the rocks.

Ellie sneaking a selfie of everyone at devils lake.

The Merrins lab taking in the scenery at Devils Lake.

Beautiful fall Sunset walking out of the VA.