Jamie Larmie receives an ADA undergraduate fellowship!Jamie Larmie is awarded a 1-year Minority Undergraduate Internship from the American Diabetes Association . Congratulations Jamie!
Matt receives a grant from the Wisconsin Partnership Program.Matt is awarded a New Investigator Award from the Wisconsin Partnership Program to support our work on pyruvate kinase!
Halena receives an ADA Postdoctoral FellowshipHalena VanDeusen is awarded a 3-year ADA postdoctoral fellowship award for her work on pyruvate kinases. Congratulations Halena!
Farewell to Che, our research intern and patch-clamp guru.We say farewell to our research intern Chetan Poudel as he heads to graduate school “over the pond”. In <2 years, Che published one...
Trilly and Che publish their islet aging studies on KATP channels in Diabetes. Check it out here!Trilly’s first-author paper, “Pancreatic beta cells from mice offset age-associated mitochondrial deficiency with reduced KATP channel...
Congrats to Matt and Dudley on your R21 from the NIA!Matt (together with our neighbor Dudley Lamming) is awarded an R21 from the NIA to study age-associated changes in beta cell function....